Hey everyone. I just found some info that made me want to jump around all over the place because of how excited I get after reading this. The info below was officially announced the released from a gravity dev, explaining whats in the plans for the remain of 2010 and beginning of 2011. So before you start reading make sure your sitting down. Repeat: MAKE SURE YOUR SITTING DOWN BEFORE READING!!!!
Hey Guys,
Been a great while since I last posted here.
Sorry for the delay with things, we're trying really hard to kick off the end of this year going into 2011 with alot of content. I'm going to go over alot of stuff in this post incase some of you guys might have missed the some stuff. Also I have some updates regarding RO2: Legend of the Second.
RO1 - ENTER Renewal Continuation Phase II.
We're finally entering Phase II of the renewal developments, now most of clients and databases around the world have been either updated, or in the process of being updated soon. This was a very LONG process to see each country get stabilized so that going commercially would be a smooth transaction. I must say - I'm very proud of the development team pulling it off with such little mess ups.
Now things are alot more organized in the development pool.
SO what does Phase II contain?
Well mainly balancing issues, Bugs, and un-released 1st phases implementations. I don't want go into the details with the nitty gritty with Stats, HP changes, Aspd, etc. since it's still going to be tweaked around with till it's well stable. So for now - I'm gonna explain some new features and content that'll be release soon between the next few months.
The team have already had plans to develop a 2nd 2D layer that stacks on your character sprite, but this time, it'll be shown BELOW and ABOVE. The system for the new 2D Layer known as CROSS 2D, we can set the new sprites to appear Above or Under the character avatar in any given frame.
So whats the point of the new 2D Layer?
Simple - Players will now have more customizable options - In the Player INFO tab there will be something called Customize Character, in there a player will be able to change and rearrange accessories.
Heres a Sample of what you can expect:

So yes in short - Wings, Bages, Accessories, Etc. will be added soon.
On our end we've been experimenting with more 32bit sprites looking to utilize this further - Players will be able to see some of these in the upcoming patches with our Mobs. I can't go into details why or what we're planning it for, but it's mainly to give you players a much richer experience.
Next are the New Mounts/Rides:
I previously did a talk about these with Rafa over at Ragnatales some time ago. Now you'll be able to get more details on just what these are for, and how to obtain one.

SO what do these do?
1. They're currently planned to be Cash mounts.
2. You can not attack with these.
3. Your mount does not change as you job change.
4. Each mount is currently Job specific.
5. Some will empower the user with a special buff.
Future PLANS:
1. Lvl specific Mounts with Added Features.
2. Mounts that Evolve.
3. More Equip-able gear to each mount.
NEW Rune Knight Design :
I've talked about this before as well with Rafa over at Ragnatales in an interview, explaining and teasing new art works of the re-designed Rune Knight.
Heres a Sample:

SO what do these do?
1. Currently they're slated for Cash ALT. outfits. 1 of Many to come.
2. Nothing else.
Future PLANS:
1. More Job Alts.
New Maps:
Currently we're looking at Indonesia [Dewata] and Nightmare Scarab Dungeon.
Up Next are - Cat Island, Izulde Dungeon Expansion, Bio Labs Expansion and Alfheim.

Izulde Dungeon Expansion:
Now Let me explain alittle about the Izulde Dungeon add-on. It'll be only accessible through certain Net Cafes in Korea for certain period of time, currently the plans are for 3 months. However this might all change, later on. The point of this new business model is to keep close relations with their Cafe partners who still cater to Gravity exclusive games. This is also to drive alittle more attention back to Izulde as a new chapter will start to unfold.
Now don't be alarmed if you think you'll never be able to play at Izulde's new floor...because you will. After the promotion, the mobs EXP and stats will change, as the gate to the new floor will be unlocked to everyone. However, I can't promise if this expansion to explore will be accessible through Cash or not.
Bio Labs Expansion:
Preparations will soon commence for the implementation of the new mobs which will feature the remaining 2-2 Rebirth jobs. [Paladin, Champion, Gypsy, Clown, Creator, Stalker, and Professor]
You'll be able to find them in the Labs at the 3rd floor.
Also - their AI functions and use of party skills will be modified. This will allow everyone a fair chance to explore the Dungeon now. The mobs will feature party skills to reclaim their toughness.
A new location which is actually a location from the pervious Ragnarok2 :Gotw - This time though players are finding themselves in the footsteps of Satan Morroc. As you'll learn the story between the mighty Thanatos who once slane the demonic Satan Morroc. Discover how the two crossed paths, and learn much more about Alfeim and Morroc.
Players can expect a new version of the Satan Morroc and a new Foe that joins the parade of chaos.
The Story is going to go back to the roots, this time to build up more story with-in Rune-Midgard itself. This episode's story is actually being composed by Mr. Lee Myung-jin - so expect some reference's from the Manga, that could lead up to new twists for the manga itself.
Expanded Jobs:
I know alot of you guys been asking WHEN are they going to come out, and honestly I can NOT disclose WHEN the date will be. However, I can assure you that you can see these within Late 2010 into sometime 2011.
1. The 1st one to be released is the Expanded Super Novices. As players will now have a larger skill pool to choose from. "Hyper/Ultra Novice" [name might vary]
2. Next will be the new Gunslinger & Ninjas. As Gunslingers will be promoting new single shot skills to save bullet consumption and Ninjas will be able to Change their battle stances and formation giving them more battle options. Early/Mid 2011.
3. TKs & Soulinkers - Mid/Late 2011.
WoE Guild Expansion:
This is roughly simple to explain, Guilds can now further INVEST on their guilds bases to expand the dungeon into lvl 2. The more you invest, the more you can start inviting other users to pay to visit your dungeon.
Also - Expanded collection of Treasure Boxes, that will feature some new items.
Other Plans for Guild Expansions have not been finalized yet.